
Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2013

Indirect Questions

Indirect Questions, also known as Embedded Questions, are the type of questions we make when we want to be more formal or polite in any given situation. They are easy to make. Just take a question and put an expression like Could you or Would you mind before it to make an Indirect Question. However, we do need to make some adjustments to the word order in the original question and this is what the exercises recommended here focus on.

Second Conditional

SONG: If you had a million dollars - interactive Study Zone: Second Conditional Second Conditional Match Interactive Activity BBC Reading: If I were a Prime Minister Online Quiz

First Conditional

First Conditional Exercise Match up Interactive Quiz Wherever You Will Go Lyrics


There are three main types of conditions in English: the first, the second and the third. There names are very simple; however, their meanings are far more complex. Conditions, in English, range from the concrete aspects to the unreal, or abstract, things in life.