
Mostrando las entradas de agosto, 2013

File 7: Parlante Magazine

The end of the course is now upon us but unlike previous courses this is the last one you will be completing, and so it is time to leave your mark in the English learning environment. Now that you can express yourself in so many ways using the English language, you will have the opportunity to express an idea you might have and, in a sense, publish it for everyone else to consult. Select that one thing you are really good at and develop an article about it in which you present, highlight or show others what it is and why they should take the time to learn more about it.

File 7: Learning Strategies

Through your long experience in academic learning (elementary, secondary and high-school) you have obtained a variety of learning practices which you naturally implement when faced with a new learning scenario. There is no doubt you have used many of those timeless learning practices while at the same time being exposed to new ones. One of the great things about learning in general is that we can all learn from each and every personal experience, especially as we get older and more mature. What is even better is that we can learn from the experience of others as well. By simply observing or sharing experiences we can all enrich our beliefs about learning in the hopes of becoming more efficient as face new learning experiences.

File 7: Class Debate

There are those times when it seems you are in the right spot because everything starts happening in just the right way: you get into the school you wanted, you get a ten when the night before you had gone out partying and stayed up late, you get that job with the nice salary, you get the job bonus at the end of the month and the list can go on and on. Also, other times it seems you and the world are upside down: your boy/girlfriend break up with you, you lose your phone, it rains the day you don't have an umbrella and the list goes on and on. Is it fate? is it destiny? or, is it just dumb luck? There is, of course no straight answer but there are clearly two schools of thinking here.

Level 6: File 7

GRAMMAR VOCABULARY PRONUNCIATION Third conditional Tag questions Indirect questions Phrasal verbs Making adjectives and adverbs What or that? Compound nouns Television, phrasal verbs Sentence stress Intonation in tag questions Review of sounds Linking PRACTICAL ENGLISH WRITING REVIEW & CHECK Everything in the open An article for a magazine What do you remember? What can you do?

File 6: My Hero

As we were growing up, we surely looked to our parents as a strong role model to follow, always trying to imitate them in one way or another. Then, we grow older and our social circles expand so we start looking outward to other influences such as friends, teachers, even some acquaintances who leave a strong presence. Also, we look to musicians, actors and authors for inspiration and guidance. If you stop to take notice on your beliefs and principles, you realize it is very difficult to separate what has been influenced by others and what has been a result of your own individual maturity as a person. This means that every time you defend your beliefs, you also honor those people in your life who have influenced you.

File 6: Movie Review

In this task you have to create a brochure about a preferred place Tijuana which you would like to recommend to others. It cannot be any place since the idea behind this task is to recommend places for slowing down and eating healty. Think of public places, restaurants, hotels, spas, cafes and any other place where one can go and have a nice time in the company of family, friends or even alone.

File 6: How to Complain Effectively

As consumers we surely spend a lot of time in store spending our money in buying the things we need, and sometimes the things we don't need, too. In all this buying of things we sometimes get that one product which is faulty or has some sort of problem with it and in turn it does not satisfy the purpose we bought it for. It is in these precise moments of customer frustration that we are faced with the necessity of contacting the store we bought the product from and submit a complaint in the hopes of: 1) getting a replacement or, 2) getting our money back. A lot of times store owners are not too willing to exchange products or return money and so we are faced with tons of paperwork, never ending trips to the store and eternal waits on the phone.

Level 6: File 6

GRAMMAR VOCABULARY PRONUNCIATION Reported speech statements, questions and commands Passive: BE + past participle Relative clauses Defining and non-defining Shopping Movies What people do Consonant sounds Sentence stress Word stress PRACTICAL ENGLISH WRITING REVIEW & CHECK> Breaking news A movie review What do you remember? What can you do?

File 5: Organizational Chart

Any well organized business is built on top of an initial business plan in which many aspects of operations, target demographics, marketing and the hierarchy of the employees among other things is designed and explained. More precisely, the organizational chart visually presents how the human resources of the business are structured. This charts helps everyone understand what department any one employee belongs to and who is the immediate boss or manager.

File 5: Genre Survey

Surveys are a great instrument to collect data from the general population about any topic. Also, they provide easy to process data so that all sorts of graphics and statistics can be generated. The biggest effort that goes into a survey is the creation of the questions. It is extremely important that questions are made in such a way so they are easy to understand by everyone. If the questions are understood then we will be able to obtain true facts about our topic. If people do not understand the questions, they might answer incorrectly, leaving us with unreal information. As long as you know what topic interests you, what you want to know about the topic and how to make the right questions, you can create all sorts of surveys to collect people's opinions.

File 5: Tijuana Brochure

In this task you have to create a brochure about a preferred place in Tijuana which you would like to recommend to others. It cannot be any place since the idea behind this task is to recommend places for slowing down and eating healthy. Think of public places, restaurants, hotels, spas, cafes and any other place where one can go and have a nice time in the company of family, friends or even alone.

Level 6: File 5

GRAMMAR VOCABULARY PRONUNCIATION quantifiers Articles: a/an, the, no article Gerunds and infinitives Noun formation Verbs and adjectives + prepositions Connectors Work -ough and -augh Sentence stress, the, /0/ or /d/ Word stress PRACTICAL ENGLISH WRITING REVIEW & CHECK Meetings Formal letters and a résumé What do you remember? What can you do?